Mosquito Misting System Costs
For a professionally installed MistAway Mosquito Misting System, you should expect to spend about what you would spend for an installed irrigation system for your home. That is, the larger the property and area you are trying to protect, the higher the price. For a “representative” home sitting on a standard quarter-acre lot, plan on a purchase price in the $2,500 – $4,500 range. The wide range is a function of the variety of mounting surfaces and obstacles that may be encountered by your dealer in installing the pyrethrum-insecticide misting nozzle circuit.
Misting System Operating Expenses
The pyrethrum insecticide consumed is driven by the number of misting nozzles in your mosquito system and your daily mist duration. So, with mist durations being equal, a system with 60 nozzles will consume twice as much insecticide as a system with 30 nozzles.
Though it varies from dealer to dealer, the mosquito mist durations programmed by most of our dealers are fairly standard at about 40 to 60 seconds, with a morning mist scheduled around dawn and an evening mosquito mist just after dusk. For a “representative” home on a quarter acre lot, plan on spending $2.00 – $3.00 per day during the mosquito season for a full-service contract.
In addition to replenishing the pyrethrum insecticide in your MistAway mosquito misting system, most of our certified dealers offer a contract to provide routine and emergency maintenance as well as startup and winterization services.